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Test #1 of 5 results

1. What is (are) the analogous color (s) of RED: 
orange and violet

2. Complimentary colors sit side by side on the color wheel, sharing a border. 
                       True                  or              False

3. We have scientific evidence that our ancestors have been around since (circle the correct answer)         
less than 10,000  years           
more than 250,000 years      
less than 5,000 years    

4. Draw a color wheel in the circle below. Divide the circle into 6 parts and noting all the colors and if they are primaries or secondaries. 

RYB = Primaries
OVG = Secondaries

5. Explain what a ‘binder’ is used for: 
Is a substance added to pigment to make it stick to a surface.

6. Name four ways Paleolithic humans created visual forms: 
i.   engraving/scratching     
   ii.     drawing        iii.        painting         iv. sculpture

7. In the space below draw a post and lintel structure, naming the two parts: 

8. “We only find cave art in the Americas.”    
TRUE                    or                  FALSE 

9. Explain the difference between a relief sculpture and one that is ‘in the round.’
Relief Sculpture remains attached to its natural rock, usually only viewed from one side.
Sculpture in the round may be viewed from all sides. 

10. Draw a contemporary symbol
@ # $ % & , . ; : *  

11. What is another term for symbol?
a pretty picture an icon words none of these

12. We know that people have made visual forms for numerous reasons, cross culturally and throughout time.  Name four reasons here:
ito communicate political viewpoints
ii. to communicate religious values
iii. to tell stories
iv. to express cultural ideas

13. Aesthetic attitudes differ from person to person.  This is our  XX response.  
Circle what XX is:   
objective response          
subjective response

14. Name 4 elements of visual design:
Line - Shape - Color - Mass & Volume
Value - Space - Texture

15. Is this statement  TRUE       or         FALSE:  “How a visual designer manipulates the elements and principles of design, or, how we employ them, creates an impression that an audience will interpret.” 

16. Explain what a substrate is: 
The ‘ground’ on which media / medium is applied, the surface

17. Where can I find the pigments brown, black, white and a type of red other than a store?
pigment from stones

18. Another name for the specific colors of brown, yellow, red and black is:
Fluorescent colors              
Earth colors           
Primary colors         
Colors I have to purchase

19. A drawing made of graphite of a crumbled piece of paper is nothing but a(n):
i. actual texture   ii. an abstract work of art or 
iii. a drawing that implies illusion

20. What do the words lower mean fully?


MESOLITHIC Middle Stone Age

21. In the canvas below, draw a non-objective design “without representational figures”  

22. "I carve into stone to remove material and make a sculpture." This is a perfect example of a process that is: Circle the correct answer:
i. additive
ii. subtractive in nature

23. Is this a TRUE    or    FALSE statement:   “Words are symbols for ideas.”

24. In our Western world, people in power have never dictated what a visual designer/artist should be made.  This includes individuals who are Pharaohs, Popes, patrons, The Church, emperors, monks, etc.
                   TRUE                       or                         FALSE

25. Name four ways of making illusionistic space on a flat canvas:
1.  changes of color temperature (blue and red, ie.)
2. adding illusionary shadows
3. adding orthogonal and creating linear perspective
4. weight of line   
>>> ** do not simply say linear, you must be thorogh with all answers

26. Draw a bilateral symmetrical icon on the vertical axis below: 

27. What is the difference between the study of ART HISTORY and the study of ART APPRECIATION?
Art History is the study of art in a cultural context, art appreciation is the study of work for the pure aesthetic pleasure of it.

28. What does BCE specifically mean? 
Before the Common Era

29. Designers often make use of tessellation patterning to draw focus.  What do we mean by the word “tessellation” ? 

A repeating pattern without any negative space - all is positive form

30. Explain what DOMINANCE is in a painting on a two-dimensional surface:
The focal point (s) our eyes are drawn to in a work of art

31.  What advancement in human invention divides  HISTORY   from    PREHISTORY, explain.
Writing, as significant cultural events can be written down and communicated to others.

32.  i. Archaeology is the specific study of:
The study of earlier people, their artifacts and their remains
ii. Paleontology is the specific study of fossils

33. i. Where is Stonehenge? England

ii. Is it still around today? Yes

iii. What is (or was) the site thought to be used for?  Calendar, a ritual space, perhaps?

iv. Who made it? 
Believed to be made by the Celtic high priests known as the Druids 3000BCE

BONUS WORTH 5 points:
All For You… In the empty area of this paper, explain one of your favorite works you have seen thus far in our class. What is its title? Who created it, its medium (media) and location? Give me as many specifics as possible.

A big favorite among the student group above : Crack is Whack by Keith Haring / Bronx, NYC / 1986 / public art / graffiti

Also below, The Woman of Willendorf from Austria /carved stone / 25,000 BCE / 4" high

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